
Better Banking Data. Better Banking Decisions.

FI Navigator provides a U.S. banking vertical data and analytics platform to industry vendors & consultants and the financial institutions they serve. We work directly with executive management of banks and credit unions to develop strategy or to identify opportunities in profitability, franchise growth, risk management or product offering. Banking vertical vendors and consultants leverage FI Navigator to augment client strategy, sales and marketing. All components of our offering center on enhancing financial institution performance.

Obsessive Focus on Our
Clients’ Performance

FI Navigator is literally built around our clients’ performance objectives. We have a simple guiding question that continually drives the evolution of our data and analytics: how can we help our clients best allocate their finite resources to drive performance? As analysts we’re admittedly biased, but we believe the answer resides in better data and analytics.

Proprietary Data Science

Recognizing that data on financial institutions wasn’t keeping pace with the industry’s digital transformation, we developed proprietary data extraction techniques to mine data from financial institution websites, app stores, vendor sites, job posts and a variety of other sources. Integrating this highly unique data with standardized regulatory data enables incredibly enhanced insight on financial institution and vendor performance.

Innovative Analytics –
Delivering Conclusions

Unearthing new, comparable data was a critical first step, but the data needed structure to be converted into insight. We’ve developed innovative analytics decision trees to allow users to quickly navigate to each institution’s performance opportunities. In addition, we’ve developed an innovative solution hierarchy that allows institutions to compare their offerings in retail, business and operating solutions. These analytics innovation allow instant insight into institution strengths, weaknesses, performance themes, cost/benefit and even next-most-likely solutions.

Comprehensive Coverage –
Every FI Counts

Typically, market research focuses exclusively on market leaders. We’ve all seen reports labeled “The State of U.S. Mobile Banking” only to find that coverage only extended to the top ten institutions. Our approach is different in that we cover every one of the nearly 11,000 banks and credit unions in the U.S. Additionally we’re constantly expanding our solution hierarchy with coverage now of over 100 retail, business and operating solutions leveraged by these financial institutions.

This obsessive focus on industry coverage allows you to examine the entire market for strategy or zoom into a specific institution for tactics.

We’re always looking for talented, passionate people to help us raise the bar of banking analytics.

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